dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2016

Itinerary about my studies and future job.

I think about my future. After the secundary studies I will study a medium grade of Graphical Desing in School of Art and Superior Desing of my city, Olot. After the medium grade I will be take one year for finally acces to superior grade of Interior Designer in the same school. I want to do a summer work (witer,cleaner...), but my mother desagree this option. Later, I want to study a university grade of Interior Designer, and finally, work.

divendres, 1 d’abril del 2016

Weather Forecast

Weather be like ugly tomorrow. Will be very cloudy at morning, the dark clouds appear at afternoon and will  be very cold wendy. At night will be softy rain.

Natural Dissaster Vocabulary

Survivor - Supervivent
Flood - Inundació
Safe - Segur
Strike - Arribar (colpejar)
Injure - Ferir
Earthquake - Terratremol
Trapped - Atrapat
Collapsed - Col·lapsar
Volcanic eruption - Erucpió Volcánica
Landslides - Llevisades
Mud - Fang
Rocks - Roques
Dangerous - Perillós
Ash - Cendra
Warn - Avisar
Predict - Preveure
Volcanous - Volcà